Page 445 - Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed
P. 445
Adnan Harun Yahya
The people mentioned [in the book] are named X, Y, Z etc. Who are these X,
Y, Z? The detailed investigations of American researcher Prof. Justin Mc-
Carthy finally gave a satisfactory answer to this question. Most of them were
American missionaries that were active in Turkey during those years, who
badmouthed Turkey in every opportunity they got. Some others were the mem-
bers of violent Armenian rebel groups. 59 out of 150 accounts were penned
by the missionaries, 52 of them were sent by Armenians. Armenian Dashnak
party's reports, which considered Ottomans as their arch-enemies, were also
used in the book. The rest were taken from Dashnak-sympathizing or Ar-
menian cause sympathizing newspapers. In other words, Armenian newspa-
pers of the time were also used as a propaganda weapon. 270
Another book published by Wellington House during the same days was
a book called Martyred Armenia claimed to be written by Faiz El-Ghusein.
El-Ghusein was presented as a bureaucrat and district officer that worked in
the Ottoman Empire. However, historians found no trace of a person with
The pro-
paganda book The
Treatment of Armeni-
ans in the Ottoman Em-
pire authored by Arnold J.
Toynbee (top) together with James Bryce
(bottom), the British historian and statesman.
Toynbee later felt remorse for the false alle-
gations he included in the book.