Page 457 - Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed
P. 457
Adnan Harun Yahya
Tonybee summarized the British deep state's view of the Islamic world
saying that South Islam (from Morocco to Arabia), or the Ashari school, was
no longer a threat as one could just buy a sheikh and control them all. But he
considered North Islam (the Turkish region from Istanbul to Bukhara), or
the Maturidi school, a threat because they were at peace with science and
therefore, a revolutionary like Atatürk might come up any time, for which
reason, he said, precautions should be taken in advance. 278
Clearly, Atatürk completely dashed the sinister plans of the British deep
state for Turkey.
After the end of WWI, all the evidence exposing the facts about the
Wellington House propaganda efforts was destroyed. This is very suspicious,
especially considering that Britain keeps a very systematic archive on histo-
ry, which is commonly used for research purposes. However, the Wellington
House publications had to be destroyed in a mysterious fashion. Neverthe-
less, Wellington House had sent certain documents to various ministries and
institutions during the war for propaganda purposes. Currently, the only in-
formation about the Wellington House activities consists of these very lim-
ited documents. However, even this limited information reveals that around
forty books were published, which included false claims that Turks extermi-
nated Jews, Slavs, Albanians, Arabs and particularly Armenians. 279
After the war, Arnold Toynbee travelled to Turkey as a journalist, stud-
ied the region and witnessed Turkey's losses due to war. What he saw made
him change his mind completely and he admitted that The Blue Book was
a book of deception written for propaganda purposes. This time, he wrote
books with favorable views of Turkish people. However, The Blue Book that
is full of lies is still popular today.
In 2005, the Turkish government, with support from the main opposi-
tion party, demanded that Great Britain apologize to Turkey for The Blue
Book. The Turkish government emphasized the following points in making
this request:
* this book included baseless allegations and was used for black pro-
paganda during WWI,