Page 461 - Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed
P. 461

Adnan Harun Yahya

                            This is how Sir Gilbert Parker, the head of the pro-

                        paganda campaign, explains the effects of his efforts:

                            We have an organisation extraordinarily wide-

                            spread in the United States, but which does not
                            know it is an organisation. It is worked entirely by
                            personal association and inspired by voluntary ef-

                            fort, which has grown more enthusiastic and pro-
                            nounced with the passage of time... Finally it should
                            be noticed that no attack has been made upon us in
                                                                                          Sir Gilbert Parker
                            any quarter of the United States, and that in the eyes
                            of the American people the quiet and subterranean na-
                            ture of our work has the appearance of a purely private pa-

                            triotism and enterprise... 283

                            Clearly, the deceitful -as much as deep- propaganda of the British deep

                        state created the desired effect on the American public. Well-meaning Amer-
                        icans failed to see the nefarious plans behind the propaganda and were guid-

                        ed in the direction shown by the British deep state.

                            Viscount Bryce's reports, one of the co-authors of the notorious The Blue

                        Book, was prepared with the specific purpose of creating an anti-Turkish sen-
                        timent in the American public. Here are some of the outrageous remarks of

                        Bryce against Turks in the Bryce Report:

                            Turkish government has been the very worst which has afflicted humanity dur-
                            ing the last fifteen centuries. The Turks have always been what a distinguished

                            European historian of the last generation called them—"nothing better than
                            a band of robbers encamped in territories which they had conquered and dev-
                            astated." They have never become civilized, they have never imbibed or tried

                            to apply any of the principles on which civilized government must be con-
                            ducted. So far from progressing with the progress of the years, they have gone
                            from bad to worse. Savages they were when they descended into Western Asia

                            from the plains of Turkistan, savages they were when Edmund Burke [British
                            statesman and author] so described them one hundred and thirty years ago,
                            and their government still retains its savage and merciless character. 284
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