Page 464 - Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed
P. 464
A Propaganda War: World War II
As in the case of WWI, the propaganda skills of the British deep state had
a huge impact on the course of WWII. Such efforts made the greatest con-
tribution to Britain's success. The deep British media, particularly its exten-
sions in the BBC, played their part skillfully during and after the war. Inter-
estingly enough, the BBC still continues its task today almost as a propagan-
da machine of the British deep state.
Even the German Nazi Party, that set up a propaganda ministry and ef-
fectively used propaganda methods laden with lies, couldn't come close to
matching the British deep state's skills in black propaganda. Joseph Goebbels,
who was the propaganda minister of Hitler, described Prime Minister
Churchill, an important member of the deep state of the time, with the fol-
lowing words in his article 'Churchill's Lie Factory':
The astonishing thing is that Mr. Churchill … holds to his lies, and in fact re-
peats them until he himself believes them. … They made good use of the trick
during the World War, with the difference that world opinion believed it then,
which cannot be said today.… The English follow the principle that when one
lies, one should lie big, and stick to it. They keep up their lies, even at the risk
of looking ridiculous. 289
Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed