Page 528 - Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed
P. 528
The remarks of Lloyd George about Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, made in the
House of Commons on October 19, 1922, clearly displayed who foiled the
plots of the British deep state:
The centuries rarely produce a genius. … the great genius of our era was grant-
ed to the Turkish nation.. 318
When his plans to dismember Turkey failed, Lloyd George had no op-
tion but to step down. By the 1930s, he had already sunk into oblivion and
had no more public support or political influence.
Lord Curzon
George Curzon, known as Lord Curzon, was the Secretary of State for
Foreign Affairs in the Lloyd George government. He was the one who came
up with the idea that "The Euphrates forms the western border of India". He
was convinced that to uphold the British deep state policies, and to ensure
full control of India, Arab and Kurdish regions within Ottoman borders
should have been placed under British mandate.
Whatever we want, you reject. Now we are putting them into our pockets but
you are a poor country that just came out of war. You will need money for
development. When you come to us for this in the fu-
ture, we will bring them in front of you and we
will get them. 320
Lord Curzon said these words to İs-
met İnönü during Lausanne negotia-
tions. Even today, all the rights won
back in Lausanne are brought up on
different occasions in an apparent at-
tempt to take them back. As a matter
of fact, EU persistence that Turkey
change its anti-terror laws in exchange
Lord Curzon
for visa-free movement is nothing other
than the reincarnation of Curzon's threat.
Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed