Page 531 - Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed
P. 531

Adnan Harun Yahya

                            ly disguised Bolsheviks …. The Armenians are what the Armenians have al-

                            ways been, a despicable race. The best are the inhabitants of Azerbaijan,
                            though they are in reality uncivilized. (All the peoples mentioned here are
                            above these remarks)

                            George Milne was extremely uncomfortable with the nationalist move-

                        ment Mustafa Kemal started in Anatolia and wrote to the Ottoman Ministry
                        of War on June 6, 1919 asking the authorities to call him back to Istanbul:

                            I consider the presence of General Kemal Pasha and his Staff in the provinces

                            to be undesirable. It is unsettling to public opinion at this juncture that a dis-
                            tinguished General and Staff should be traveling about in the country, and I
                            see no necessity for their labours from a military point of view. I request that

                            you will order the immediate return to Constantinople of General Kemal
                            Pasha and his Staff. 326

                            Mustafa Kemal was indignant at Milne's condescending tone towards
                        the Turkish people and Istanbul government, and the desperate answers of

                        the Ministry of Defense. He explained his feelings with the following words:

                            … yet this does not seem to wound the pride of the Minister of War, who, in
                            all his transactions with the national organisation, is ever referring to ques-

                            tions of self-respect and scarcely every mentions the dignity of the Government
                            who accepted the responsibility of safeguarding the independence of the Ot-
                            toman Empire. They will not allow that their dignity is already assailed and

                            the independence of the State jeopardised. They do not even protest against
                            this attack; they do not even venture to assert that they decline to make them-

                            selves the instrument for this blow against our independence. 327

                            The truth is, the quoted disdainful statements are only a small part of
                        those individuals' remarks against Turks. Their hearts were full of hatred and

                        a grudge for the Turkish people and didn't refrain from clearly displaying this
                        hatred before and after the Turkish War of Independence. They took every

                        opportunity to crush and humiliate the Ottoman nations, which, in their own
                        feeble mind, were inferior races. Today, the same mentality lives on. Some

                        people, who wrongly believe that they can find friendship or a future in an
                        alliance with the deep states, would do well to remember that.
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