Page 539 - Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed
P. 539
Adnan Harun Yahya
wrongly believe that they can achieve their goals by publishing in various
media organs maps of an imaginary divided Turkey, making sinister con-
nections with terror groups to this end or by using local spies/sycophants.
They fail to understand that the Turkish Nation will never ever allow this to
happen. They will soon understand that their plans will come to nothing and
that there is no division in the destiny of Turkey.
In fact, the real problem of the British deep state is their inability to un-
derstand that God's plan supersedes all other plans because God's infinite
power will overrule all insidious plans. God's plan for destiny will definitely
take place. Almighty God will never allow sincere, honest, righteous and pi-
ous people to fail:
God will not give the unbelievers any way against the believers... (Qur'an,
The New York Times published
this map, prepared by the for-
mer US President Woodrow Wil-
son, on May 14, 2016, the 100 th
anniversary of the Sykes-Picot
Agreement. The agreement was
signed secretly during WWI to
dismember the Ottoman lands.
The picture was intended to
give the message that Sykes-Pi-
cot Agreement was still effec-
tive and that the British deep
state was still intent on its dis-
memberment plans.
(Left) The map of the secret
project of an 'Independent
State of Constantinople',
according to document
number 867.00/883 from
the US National Archives.