Page 540 - Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed
P. 540
Riots Against the Nationalist Forces in Anatolia and
Their Deep State Connections
While the occupation of Istanbul continued, the British deep state was
simultaneously making plans to suppress the independence campaign that
was gaining momentum fast. First, they set up a unit, and trained and armed
their soldiers. This small army was called Kuva-yi İnzibatiye (Forces of Or-
der) and Süleyman Şefik Pasha was appointed as its commander. They also
supported those gangs in Anatolia that rebelled against the Ankara govern-
ment, and provided them with money and arms. These gangs, most notably
Ahmet Anzavur, consisted of Caucasian refugees that fled the Russian civil
war. During the first years of the independence campaign, on top of all the
difficulties of forming a new state, Mustafa Kemal had to deal with these
The British deep state tried to turn Kurds in Anatolia against the Na-
tionalist Forces. Lieutenant-Colonel Edward William Charles Noel, also
known as the Lawrence of the Kurds, was an intelligence officer and was as-
signed the task of making the Kurds rise and secede Southeastern Anatolia
from the Ottoman Empire.
Let's hear what Mustafa Kemal Atatürk said
about Noel in his Great Speech:
For the purpose of creating a fraternal fight between
Turks and Kurds and helping build an independent
Kurdistan under British control, they provoked Kurds.
They spent huge sums of money to this end, spied end-
lessly… A British officer called Noel worked a long time
in Diyarbakır to achieve this goal and resorted to all
sorts of deceit and lies in his efforts. 332
Noel, who argued that Kurds belonged to the Ar-
ian race and therefore were closer to Europeans than
Turks, suggested the establishment of an autonomous
Mustafa Kemal Atatürk
Kurdish entity in Southeast Anatolia under British
Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed