Page 581 - Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed
P. 581
Adnan Harun Yahya
Hüseyin the head of Kelani Tribe, Paşa Bey the head of Balanlı Tribe, Çiçek the head
of Baratlı Tribe, Yusuf the head of Aşranlı Tribe. From religious scholars: Sheikh Saf-
fet, Sheikh Hacı Fevzi, Mufti Osman Fevzi. From business circles: Arapzade Ahmet,
Ruhzade Halis, Tavşanzade Recep, Hacı Eşbehzade Şükrü, Müftüzade Hakkı. From the
gentry; Hacı Mehmet, Çapıkzade Münir, Ahmet Paşazade Şemsi, Beyzade Sami. 4
After the Turkish Grand National Assembly was opened in Ankara, similar telegrams
were sent there, too. The parliament records make it clear that telegrams were re-
ceived from the residents of Solhan, Çemişkezek, Hasankeyf, Kangal, Palu, Bitlis,
Adıyaman, Kahta, Ahlat, Hizan, Şirvan, Şırnak protesting the separatist movements
and that swore allegiance to the Parliament. These telegrams were read in the Parlia-
ment. The following joint telegram of the tribal leaders clearly demonstrate the unity
decision of the Kurds:
"Please be informed that we will assist and aid our government with all our might to en-
sure peace within the National Pact and that we never wish to hear that Kurdish iden-
tity is treated as separate within the Grand National Assembly of the Republic of Turkey.
Wishing success, we present our deepest regards."
Hacı Sebati head of the İzoli Tribe, Mehmet the head of the Aluçlu Tribe, Halil the
head of the Bariçkan Tribe, Hüseyin the head of the Bükrer Tribe, Halil the head of
the Zeyve tribe, Hüseyin the head of the Deyukan Tribe and Mehmet the head of the
Cürdi Tribe. From religious scholars: Bekir, Sıtkı, Rüştü, Avni, Halil, Hafız Mehmet.
From the gentry: İzdelili Fehim, Hüseyin, Bulutlu İbrahim, Nail, Zabunlu Halil, Sadık. 5
Apparently as soon as WWI was over, the British deep state was seeking to stoke prob-
lems not only in Mosul and within the borders of Iraq, but also in Anatolia between
Kurds and Turks. However, the greatest answer to this insidious plan came from our
Kurdish people again. Members of the Turkish Parliament in Ankara and the Kurdish
people declared to the entire world - and especially to the British deep state - that Kurds
and Turks are one and a whole. The British deep state, having failed with its plans with
Şerif Pasha, would make another attempt after Lausanne and seek to use Sheikh Said
this time.
1. "Kürdistan Teali Cemiyeti" (Society for the Rise of Kurdistan), Wikipedia,
2. Ibid.
3. Van Bruinessen, Ağa, Şeyh ve Devlet (Tribal Leader, Sheikh and State), translated by Banu
Yalkut, Istanbul: İletişim Yayınları, 2004, p. 27
4. Meclis-i Mebusan Zabıt Ceridesi (Parliament Minutes of Proceedings), Session LV, vol. 1, p.
5. Sibel Özel, "Anayasa M. 66/I Hükmünde Yer Alan Türk Tanımı Üzerine Bir Değerlendirme",
Baro Dergisi, vol. 86, no. 2012/6, 2012, p. 48