Page 582 - Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed
P. 582

Seeking a Solution for Mosul

                         The Turkish government demanded that the conference be held in Izmir,
                     because communication between Lausanne and Turkey would be difficult.
                     The real reason behind this request was their desire to closely follow the

                     progress of the conference and prevent the loss of battlefield gains at the ne-

                     gotiation table. However, according to international traditions, the confer-
                     ence had to be held on neutral ground. Therefore, the invitation to Lausanne
                     was accepted following a meeting at the TBMM (the Turkish Parliament) on

                     October 29, 1922.

                         Some of the proposals and suggestions discussed at the Turkish Parlia-

                     ment concerning Mosul before the delegates left are as follows:

                         Iraq border:

                         Delegates will request that Sulaymaniyah, Mosul and Kirkuk are returned
                     to Turkey. If any unexpected situation arises during the conference, the in-

                     structions of the Council of Ministers should be awaited. Certain economic

                     privileges, for instance, privilege in oil operations, can be offered to Britain.

                     During the Mosul negotiations with Britain, the Turks in Berlin were protesting
                     with the slogan 'Mosul is going to remain a Turkish land'. (October 22, 1925)

           Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed
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