Page 649 - Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed
P. 649
Adnan Harun Yahya
Barely a few years had passed before
it was revealed that this experiment,
which was then presented as an im-
portant step in the name of evolution,
was invalid, for the atmosphere used
in the experiment was very different
from the real Earth conditions. ("New
Evidence on Evolution of Early Atmos-
phere and Life," Bulletin of the American
Meteorological Society, vol. 63, Novem-
ber 1982, 1328-1330)
After a long silence, Miller, himself
confessed that the atmosphere medi-
As accepted by renowned evolutionist
um he used was unrealistic. (Stanley sources, the topic about the origin of
Miller, Molecular Evolution of Life: Cur- life poses the greatest predicament for
the evolution theory.
rent Status of the Prebiotic Synthesis of
Small Molecules, 1986, p. 7)
All the evolutionists' efforts throughout the twentieth century to ex-
plain the origin of life ended in failure. The geochemist Jeffrey Bada, from
the San Diego Scripps Institute, accepted this fact in an article published in
Earth magazine in 1998:
Today as we leave the twentieth century, we still face the biggest unsolved prob-
lem that we had when we entered the twentieth century: How did life origi-
nate on Earth? (Jeffrey Bada, Earth, February 1998, p. 40)
The Complex Structure of Life: Not Even a Single
Protein can Come Into Existence by Chance
The primary reason why evolutionists ended up at such a great impasse
regarding the origin of life is that even those living organisms Darwinists
deemed to be the simplest have outstandingly complex features. The cell of
a living thing is more complex than all our man-made technological prod-
ucts. Today, even in the most developed laboratories of the world not even