Page 693 - Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed
P. 693

Adnan Harun Yahya

                        287. Justin McCarthy, The Bryce Report: British Pro-  kahveci-ile-ataturku-izledi,100045
                        paganda and the Turks,  302. Ali Dağlar, "90 yıllık sır perdesini kaldıran kitap:
                        ence/british_carthy.html                  İşgal altındaki İstanbul" [The book that removes the
                        288. Justin McCarthy,  90-year-old mystery: Istanbul under occupation],
                        ence/british_carthy.html                  Hürriyet, 07.10.2013,
                        289. Onur Öymen,  Bir Propaganda Silahı Olarak  yillik-sir-perdesini-kaldiran-kitap-isgal-altindaki-is-
                        Basın, pp. 210-211; Joseph Goebbels, "Churchill's Lie  tanbul-24859602
                        Factory", January 12, 1941;               303. Ali Dağlar, "90 yıllık sır perdesini kaldıran kitap:
                İşgal altındaki İstanbul"
                        archive/goeb29.htm                        304. Kerrar Esat Atalay, "Milliyetçiler İngiliz taraftar-
                        290. Onur Öymen, Bir Propaganda Silahı Olarak  lığı propagandalarını nefretle karşılıyordu" [Nation-
                        Basın, pp. 268, 269; Eugene Davidson, The Making of  alists received British propaganda with hatred],
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                        291. Winter, J.M., America and the Armenian Geno-  cadelede-zararli-dernekler-ve-isyanlar-93885h.htm
                        cide of 1915, p.302. Cambridge University Press, 2003,  305. John Bennett, Witness: The Story of a Search,
                        ISBN 0-521-82958-5                        USA: Bennett Books, 1997
                        292. W.E. Gladstone,  Bulgarian Horrors and the  306. Mehmed Demiryürek, "Kıbrıs'ta Bir 150'lik: Said
                        Question of the East, New York and Montreal, Lovell,  Molla (1925-1930)" [150 in Cyprus: Said Molla],
                        Adam, Wesson and Company, 1876, p. 39     Mustafa Kemal Araştırma Merkezi Dergisi, No. 57,
                        293. Ş. Can Erdem, "İtilaf Devletlerinin İstanbul'u  Vol: XIX, November 2003
                        Resmen İşgali ve Faaliyetleri" [Allied Powers' Official  307. "Ankara Milletvekili Mustafa Kemal Paşa'nın
                        Occupation of Istanbul and Their Activities], Atatürk  Ateşkesten Meclisin Açılmasına Kadar Geçen Süre
                        Araştırma Merkezi (ATAM),                 İçindeki Siyasi Durum Hakkındaki Meclis Konuş-
                maları" [Parliamentary speeches of Mustafa Kemal
                        lerinin-istanbulu-resmen-isgali-ve-faaliyetleri  Pasha, Ataturk delegate, from ceasefire to opening of
                        294. Gary Jonathan Bass, Stay the Hand of Vengeance:  the parliament regarding the political situation],
                        The Politics of War Crimes Tribunals, Princeton Uni-  Atatürkiye,
                        versity Press, p. 121                     lari/1d1yy.html
                        295. Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, Nutuk [The Great  308. Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, Nutuk [The Great
                        Speech]                                   Speech]
                        296. Robin Renwick, Fighting with Allies: America  309. Nurullah Çetin, "Harici ve Dahili Bedhahları
                        and Britain in Peace and War, Palgrave Macmillan,  Tanımak [Knowing the internal and foreign vicious]",
                        1996, p. 89                               Öncevatan,
                        297. Documents of the Inter-Allied Commission of
                        Inquiry-Appendices: Documents of the Inter-Allied  le
                        Commission of Inquiry into the Greek Occupation of  310. Şükran Vahide, Islam in Modern Turkey: An In-
                        Smyrna and Adjoining Territories,         tellectual Biography of Bediuzzaman Said Nursi, p.
                        298. Patrick Kinross, Atatürk: The Rebirth of a Na-  311. Bediüzzaman Said Nursi, Eski Said Dönemi Eser-
                        tion, Phoenix Press, London, 2003, p. 134  leri [Works of the Old Said Period], Istanbul: Yeni
                        299. Gary Jonathan Bass, Stay the Hand of Vengeance:  Asya Neşriyat, 2010, p. 537
                        The Politics of War Crimes Tribunals, Princeton Uni-  312. "New World Order", http://www.little-
                        versity Press, s. 121           
                        300. "Yeşilay Tarihçesi", Yeşilay,        313. Arslan Tekin, İmralı'daki Konuk [Guest at Im-
                 rali], Istanbul, Bilgeoğuz Yayınları, 2009, pp. 57-435
                        301. "İngiliz casuslar terzi ve kahveci ile Atatürk'ü  314. Komünar, Nov. 2008, no. 36, http://www.arsi-
                        izledi" [British spies monitored Atatürk with tailor
                        and coffee maker], T24, 22.09.2010,       munar_36.pdf
                315. Isaiah Friedman, British Miscalculations: The
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