Page 696 - Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed
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say's telegrams to Curzon on January 4 on behalf of consisted of three people, in the afternoon session
the 'BL/G/13/18 Colonial Office], The Parliamentary that took place on January 23, 1923, Ismet Pasha said
Archives, UK that two people were sent to London for the meeting.
367. Seha L. Meray, Lozan Barış Konferansı, Tu- (Seha L. Meray, Vol. I, Book I, p. 369)
tanaklar Belgeler [Lausanne Peace Conference, Doc- 383. UK The Parliamentary Archives BL/111/12/61;
uments and Minutes], vol.7, TTK Publishing, Istan- Esra Sarıkoyuncu Değerli, p. 134; UK The Parlia-
bul, 1993, pp. 346-347 mentary Archives, BL/111/12/61 (Letter sent by Cur-
368. Seha L. Meray, Lozan Barış Konferansı, Tu- zon to Walter on January 25, 1923)
tanaklar Belgeler, p. 360 384. Rumbold to Oliphant 18. 7. 23 Rumblod MSS
369. TBMM [Grand National Assembly of Turkey], De. 30 in the Bodleian Library, Oxford; K. Jeffrey and
ZC, C. 26, pp. 505–506 A. Sharp, "Lord Curzon and the Use of Secret Intelli-
370. TBMM Zabıt Ceridesi [Turkish Parliamentary gence at the Lausanne Conference: 1922-1923, The
Journal], Period 1, Vol. 24, Day 3.11.1922, p. 347, Turkish Yearbook, 1993 385. Taha Akyol, Bilinmeyen Lozan, p. 231
lozan.pdf 386. Taha Akyol, Bilinmeyen Lozan, p. 232
371. Yalçın Küçük, Sırlar [The Secrets], İthaki Pub- "National Goal", March 29, 1921, p. 1
lishing - 239, p. 334. TPT, Vol. II, November 2, 1922, 388. Fahri Belen, Askeri Siyasal ve Sosyal Yönleri ile
p. 343 Türk Kurtuluş Savaşı [Turkish Independence War
372. Taha Akyol, Bilinmeyen Lozan [Unknown Lau- with Its Military, Political and Social Aspects], Nadir
sanne], Doğan Kitap Publishing, Istanbul, 2014, p. Books, Ankara: 1973, pp. 534-535; Mim Kemal Öke,
225 p. 34
373. İsmail Göldaş, Lozan "Biz Türkler ve Kürtler" 389. Taha Akyol, Bilinmeyen Lozan, pp. 264-265
[Lausanne, We the Turks and the Kurds], Avesta 390. Haldun Eroğlu, Tarihten Günümüze Irak ve
Publishing, Istanbul, 2000, p. 25 Türkiye, Dokuzuncu Askeri Tarih Semineri Bildirileri
374. Paul C. Helmreich, Sevr Entrikaları, p. 227 I [Iraq and Turkey: The past and the Present, Decla-
375. Sezen Kılıç, "Musul Sorunu ve Lozan" [Mosul Is- rations from the Ninth Military History Seminary I],
sue and Lausanne], Atatürk Araştırma Merkezi Turkish Armed Forces ATASE and Publications of
(ATAM), the Supervision Department of the Turkish Armed
musul-sorunu-ve-lozan Forces, Ankara, 2005, p. 92
376. İhsan Şerif Kaymaz, "Birinci Dünya Savaşı So- 391. Taha Akyol, Bilinmeyen Lozan, p. 265
nunda Musul Vilayeti'nde İngiliz Yönetiminin Ku- 392. Salahi Sonyel, Gizli Belgelerle Lozan'ın Perde
rulması" [Creation of the British Rule in Mosul Arkası, pp. 321-322
Province after the WWI], Politics/Administration 393. Taha Akyol, Bilinmeyen Lozan, p. 266
Journal, vol. 5, 2010 394. Mehmet Gönlübol ve Cem Sar, Olaylarla Türk
377. Bilal N. Şimşir, Lozan Telgrafları – 1 [Lausanne Dış Politikası [Highlights of the Turkish Foreign Pol-
Telegrams-1] (1922-1923), TTK Publishing, Ankara, icy], (1919-1973), Vol. I, Ankara University, Publi-
1990, pp. 288-289 (telegram no: 149, 150, 151) cations of the Political Sciences Department, Ankara,
378. Bilal N. Şimşir, p. 328 (telegram no: 180, 181, 1982, p. 75
182) 395. Levent Ayabakan, "Kürt-Nasturi İlişkileri ve Ağa
379. UK The Parliamentary Archives BL/111/12/42; Petros'un 'Özerk Asuri Devleti Projesi'" [Kurdish-
Esra Sarıkoyuncu Değerli, p. 133 Nestorian Relations and Aga Petros' 'Autonomous
380. Salahi Sonyel, Gizli Belgelerle Lozan'ın Perde Assyrian State Project'], (1919-1923), Sakarya Uni-
Arkası [Behind the doors at Lausanne], UK The Na- versity, Journal of the Social and Cultural Studies,
tional Archive PRO, FO 371/9059, TTK Publishing, Vol.1, Issue.1, pp. 49-76
Ankara, 2006, pp. 95-96 396. "Nasturiler" [Nestorians], Wikipedia,
381. UK The Parliamentary Archives, BL/111/12/61
382. Although Curzon maintained in his letter to 397. Başbakanlık Osmanlı Arşivi, Hariciye Nezareti,
Walter dated January 17, that the Turkish delegation Tercüme Odası [Ottoman Archives of the Prime Min-
Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed