Page 102 - The Miracle in the Immune System
P. 102

1. A macrophage that takes
     in an invader organism and
     binds to a helper T cell. The
     secretion that activates the
     helper T cell (interleukin, IL-
     1) also stimulates the brain
     to increase the body tem-
     perature. This causes the
     common cold, which in turn
     increases the activity of
     immunity cells.
     2. Once activated, the helper
     T cell produces interleukin 2
     (IL2) which causes the other
     helper T cell and killer-T cell
     to develop and divide.
     (BCGF-B Cell Growth Factor
     3. When the number of B
     cells increase, helper T cells
     produce another substance,
     which orders B
     cells to stop
     and start pro-
     ducing  anti-
     (BCDF-B Cell
                                  If human beings were
     4. With the
                                  given the order to direct
     same  signal,
                                  even just this signaling
     helper T cells also acti-
                                  system, alone, life would
     vate killer T cells.
                                  certainly be quite difficult
                                  for them.
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