Page 103 - The Miracle in the Immune System
P. 103

Step By Step To All-Out War     101

          cells are formed. Then, the B cells, which are ready for
          war, start to divide and are transformed into plasma
          cells. Plasma cells also secrete antibodies, which will be
          used as weapons during the fight with the enemy. As
          stated in earlier chapters, B cells are capable of produc-
          ing thousands of antibodies in a second. These weapons
          are very handy. They are capable enough to bind to the
          enemy first, and then to destroy the biological structure
          of the enemy (antigen).
            If the virus penetrates the cell, the antibodies cannot
          capture the virus. At this point, the killer T cells come in-
          to play again and, by identifying the viruses in the cell
          with the help of MHC molecules, they kill the cell.
            However, if the virus has been successfully camou-
          flaged, escaping even the notice of killer T cells, then
          "natural killer cells", briefly called NKs, swing into ac-
          tion. These cells destroy the cells which host viruses in
          them, and which are imperceptible to other cells.
            After the victory is won, suppressor T cells stop the
          war. Although the war is over, it is never to be forgot-
          ten. Memory cells have stored the enemy in their mem-
          ory. Staying in the body for years, these cells help the
          defence to be faster and more effective if the same ene-
          my is encountered again.
            The heroes of this war have not received any mili-
          tary training.
            The heroes of this war are not human beings able to
            The heroes of this war are cells so minuscule as to
          hardly cover a full stop when they come together in mil-
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