Page 111 - The Miracle in the Immune System
P. 111

Step By Step To All-Out War     109

                                       Elements of the
                                       defence system
                                       can harm them-
                                       selves if they are
                                       unable to distin-
                                       guish between
                                       friendly and enemy
                                       cells. Here you can
                                       see the organism
                                       attacking its own
                                       cell as if it were an

          will be understood how illogical and unreasonable the
          claim of evolutionists is.
            A defence cell developed within the bone marrow
          or the thymus would be killed or inactivated if it react-
          ed to the products of the body. A mature lymphocyte
          faces the same consequence in case it attacks the body's
          own products. That is to say that any element of the de-
          fence system likely to harm the body is either killed or
          forced to commit suicide obeying the command it
            However, if a T cell is confronted by another body
          cell, it does not attack but rather inactivates itself. Simi-
          larly, if there is any substance in the body that carries
          antigen properties which should not, however, be de-
          stroyed, the human body does not produce any anti-
          bodies and so does not attack it.
            If we consider the fact that our body contains
          around 1 trillion lymphocytes, we can appreciate the
          miraculous discipline required to ensure that these cells
          only target enemy cells and spare friendly cells.
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