Page 112 - The Miracle in the Immune System
P. 112


              The Protected Barrier
              In essence, the embryo in a mother's womb should
           normally be considered foreign matter by the host hu-
           man body. Subsequently, when the embryo is first
           formed, the body would immediately instigate a struggle
           against it. The defence system would not allow such an
           ‘enemy' to develop. However, despite this negative sce-
           nario, the embryo is not as vulnerable as we might as-
           sume. After it is formed, it succeeds in fully developing
           over an extended period of 9 months, completely pro-
           tected against the intended attacks of the antibodies.
              How then is this achieved?
              There is a barrier surrounding the embryo specially
           created to absorb only the nutrients in the blood. This
           barrier helps the embryo to take up the necessary nu-
           trients for its development, while isolating it from the
           destructive effect of antibodies.
              Otherwise, the antibodies would immediately at-
           tack the embryo (considered as a foreign substance)
           and destroy it. The isolation of the embryo from the an-
           tibodies with such a special protection is one of the
           most perfect examples of creation in the mother's
              Neither mutation, nor natural selection nor any
           other so-called evolutionary mechanism could have in-
           corporated such perfect creation in the evolution tale.
           The miracle of creation is self-evident. In the Qur'an,
           Allah states that He placed the embryo in a secure
              Did We not create you from a base fluid, then
              place it in a secure repository for a recognised
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