Page 32 - The Miracle in the Immune System
P. 32
cells, which have never been out of the body, and there-
fore, have no chance of examining the chemical make-
up of the microbes outside, and which, moreover, have
not received any training in chemistry?
Definitely not. Only Allah, Who created both the
external world, and the food in this world, and the body
that needs these foods, and the system to digest these
foods, is able to create such a defence system.
Another Method: Destroying
The Enemy By Another Enemy
There are many other micro-organisms that live
within the human body which cause us no harm. What
are these organisms that continue with their own life
without doing us any harm, and what is their purpose in
living within our body?
These groups of micro-organisms, which are gath-
ered in certain parts of the body, are called the normal
microbial flora of the body. They do no damage and
even have some benefits for the human body.
These micro-organisms provide external support
for the defence army against microbes. They benefit the
body by preventing foreign microbes from settling in it,
because the entry of any microbe into the body is a
threat to their own housing site. Since they do not want
to be displaced by the invaders, they fight a fierce battle
against them. We can think of these micro-organisms as
"professional soldiers" fighting for the body. They try to
protect the site they live in for their own benefit. In so
doing, they complement the fully equipped army in our