Page 35 - The Miracle in the Immune System
P. 35

Besieged Castle: The Human Body    33

          and drought for extended periods. This is why it is diffi-
          cult to destroy certain microbes.

            The human body resembles a very valuable diamond
          stored in a safe, receiving the most intensive care and
          protection. Some of the organisms that try to invade
          the body act like experienced thieves. One of the best
          known and most important of these thieves is the virus.
            This organism, whose existence we became aware
          of with the invention of the electron microscope, is too
          simple-structured and small to be considered even as a
          cell. Viruses, which vary in sizes ranging from 0.1 to
          0.280 microns, are excluded from the world of living
          things for this reason. 2
            Although categorised as being apart from the world
          of living beings, viruses indisputably possess at least as
          exceptional abilities as all other living beings do. A clos-
          er examination of the lives of viruses will make this fact
          more apparent. Viruses are the compulsory parasites of
          living beings. This means, they
          cannot survive if they do not set-
          tle into a plant, animal, or human
          cell, and consume its food and en-
          ergy. Viruses do not have a sys-
          tem that would enable them to
          survive on their own. As if they
          are aware of this, they deftly slip

          A virus modifying its structure so
          that it is not identified by the
          immune system. (The rhinovirus 14)
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