Page 40 - The Miracle in the Immune System
P. 40


           cess of these tiny cells is beyond the boundaries of hu-
           man's comprehension. Today, the power of the human
           mind even combined with advanced technology pales
           into insignificance in the face of the intelligence dis-
           played by these cells. In fact, even evolutionist scientists
           cannot close their eyes to all these signs of intelligence,
           which are clear evidence of the existence of a conscious
           Creator. One of the greatest advocators of evolution in
           Turkey, Prof. Ali Demirsoy, confessed this in his book
           Kalitim ve Evrim (Inheritance and Evolution):
              How and in what form did plasma cells obtain this in-
              formation, and produce the antibody exclusively de-
              signed according to it? This question has not been
              answered precisely so far. 3
              As confessed by the evolutionist scientist above,
           how antibodies are produced is a point that has not
           been clearly understood as yet. The technology of the
           20th century has proved insufficient even at the level of
           understanding the methods of this perfect production.
           In the years to come, as the methods used by these tiny
           cells — which are created to serve mankind — and how
           they implement them are unraveled, the perfection and
           artistry in the creation of these cells will be better un-

              The Structure Of Antibodies
              We have previously stated that antibodies are a
           type of protein. So, let us first examine the structure of
              Proteins are made up of amino acids. Twenty differ-
           ent types of amino acids are arranged in different se-
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