Page 42 - The Miracle in the Immune System
P. 42


           sents a wisdom and planning that are too great for the
           human mind to comprehend, let alone design.
              An unlimited number of combinations can be made
           with the use of one hundred thousand genes. The cell,
           however, uses, with great intelligence, only 5,200 basic
           combinations and produces 1,920,000 specific antibod-
           ies. How has the cell learned to make the right combi-
           nations out of these unlimited possibilities to form the
           required antibodies?
              Making the correct combinations out of an infinite
           number of possibilities aside, how has the cell got this
           idea of making combinations?
              Moreover, the produced combinations serve a cer-
           tain purpose, and aim to produce an antibody that

      An individual B cell makes copies of its own specific anti-
      body and attaches them to the outer surface of its cell mem-
      brane. The antibodies extend outward like minute, highly
      tuned aerials waiting for contact with the specific bit of pro-
      tein that they can recognise. An antibody is made of two
      light and two heavy chains of amino acids held togeth-
      er in a Y shape. The constant regions of chains are
      the same in many different types of antibodies.
      But the variable regions - the tips of the
                                    Variable region
      arms - each have a uniquely shaped
                                    of light chain
      cavity that fits exactly onto the
      shape of the antibody's "cho-
                             Constant region         region
      sen" protein fragment.
                             of light chain          of heavy
                           Constant region
                           of heavy chain

                          Carbohydrate group

                                    B cell
                                                binding site
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