Page 47 - The Miracle in the Immune System
P. 47
Intelligent Weapons: The Antibodies 45
pears after they have fulfilled their term of service,
when the baby is a few weeks old.
Have you ever wondered who sends you these anti-
bodies that try to protect you from microbes, when
you are in the form of an embryo and unaware of any-
thing? Is it your mother or your father? Or is it that they
have taken a common decision and sent you these anti-
bodies together? Certainly, the help in question is out
of the control of both parents. The mother is not even
aware that she has been endowed with such an aid plan.
The father is just as unaware of all that is going on.
Then why do the cells present in the mother's breast
and productive of these antibodies function in such a
way? Which power has told these cells that the new-
born needs antibodies? It is by no means a coincidence
that the cells engaging in antibody production for the ba-
by are located in the place where the newborns suckle.
Here, there is another very important miracle. Anti-
bodies are protein-structured organisms. Proteins, on
the other hand, are digested in the human stomach.
Therefore, normally, the baby suckling milk from its
mother would digest these antibodies in its stomach,
and would become unprotected against microbes. The
stomach of the newborn baby, however, is created in
such a way that it does not digest and destroy these an-
tibodies. The production of protein-digesting enzymes
is very little at this stage. Therefore, antibodies vital for
life are not digested and they protect the newborn baby
from its enemies.
The miracle does not end here. The antibodies,
which are not broken down by the stomach, can, how-