Page 44 - The Miracle in the Immune System
P. 44


           required skill during the rest of its lifetime. In such cas-
           es, it is a prerequisite that the system in the cell should
           be ready and complete at the beginning of life. The cell
           neither possesses the skill to learn such combinations,
           nor does it have the time to learn them, as this would
           cause it to fail in stopping the antigens entering the body
           and the body would lose the war.
              The fact that a system that baffles mankind, even at
           the point of comprehending it, has been placed in a cell
           which has no ability to think and reason, has a very spe-
           cial meaning. This is the reflection of the uniqueness of
           the creation of Allah, the All-Knowing, in a tiny cell. In
           the Qur'an, it is stated that Allah's superior wisdom en-
           compasses everything:
              ... They cannot grasp any of His knowledge save
              what He wills. His Footstool encompasses the
              heavens and the earth and their preservation
              does not tire Him. He is the Most High, the
              Magnificent. (Surat al-Baqara: 255)
              If you were to design an antibody molecule, how
           would you do it? You would first have to carry out com-
           prehensive research before deciding on the shape of the
           molecule. Surely you could not shape it randomly with-
           out an exact knowledge of its duty. Since the antibodies
           you are going to produce will make contact with anti-
           gens, you would have to be very well informed about the
           structure and specifications of the antigen, too.
              Eventually, the antibody you will produce has to
           have a special and unique shape at one end. Only then
           can it bind to an antigen. The other end of it has to be
           similar to other antibodies. This is the only way the an-
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