Page 49 - The Miracle in the Immune System
P. 49
Intelligent Weapons: The Antibodies 47
IgE (Immune globulin E): IgEs are antibodies cir-
culating in the bloodstream. These antibodies, which
are responsible for calling fighter and some other blood
cells to war, also cause some allergic reactions in the
body. For this reason, the level of IgE is high in allergic
Evolutionists' Attempts To Cover Up
The Evidence Of Creation
First, let us review the information we have exam-
ined so far:
- Antibodies latch on to antigens (enemies) entering
the body.
- A different type of antibody is produced for every
- The cell is able to produce thousands of different
antibodies for thousands of different antigens.
- This production starts as soon as the enemy en-
ters the body and is identified.
- There is full harmony between the antigen and the
three dimensional antibody, which is produced for that
specific antigen, just as a key exactly fits a lock.
- The cell, when required, arranges the information
it possesses in a conscious way and produces different
- While doing all this, it displays wisdom and plan-
ning far beyond the boundaries of the human mind's
- Certain antibodies, which are specially placed in
the mother's milk, meet the antibody need of a baby,
which is as yet unable to produce these antibodies.