Page 50 - The Miracle in the Immune System
P. 50
- The baby's stomach does not digest the antibodies,
but spares them so that they serve the baby's body.
Here we see a perfectly working system in place. In-
side the cells that produce the antibodies, Allah placed
information containing the construction plans of these
antibodies that would fill thousands of encyclopaedia
pages. Furthermore, He has given these unconscious
cells the ability to make combinations, such as are be-
yond the reach of the human mind.
How do people who blindly believe in evolution ex-
plain the existence of such a perfect system? The an-
swer is very simple: they cannot.
The only thing they do is put forward illogical as-
sumptions which strongly self-contradict. There are
many imaginary scenarios without any scientific validity
that are solely directed towards finding an answer to
the question of "How can we explain this system in
terms of evolution?".
The most popular of these scenarios maintains that
the immune system evolved from a single antibody.
Here is the summary of this scenario which has no sci-
entific basis:
Initially the defence system comprised of a single gene
that produced a single type of immunoglobulin (a kind
of protein). But this gene "rapidly created copies of
itself (!)" and developed these copies so that they
formed a different molecule of immunoglobulin. Then
the control mechanisms developed that monitor the
manufacturing of different genes which possess the
ability to re-combine".
This example is important in seeing how shaky are