Page 51 - The Miracle in the Immune System
P. 51
Intelligent Weapons: The Antibodies 49
the grounds the theory of evolution is built on, and in
understanding the brainwashing and window-dressing
methods evolutionists frequently have recourse to.
Now let us examine this deceit sentence by sentence:
Sentence 1: "Initially the defence system com-
prised of a single gene that produced a single type of im-
munoglobulin (a kind of protein)."
The first question that must be asked is:
"By whom was this inaugural gene created?"
Evolutionists try to present this stage as an insignifi-
cant detail and circumvent it. However, how this initial
gene has originated must be explained. It is scientifically
impossible for a gene to have formed by itself. The im-
possibility of the coincidental formation of the gene se-
quence is a fact which has been admitted by evolutionist
scientists many times. We can give an example from Prof.
Ali Demirsoy, a Turkish evolutionist, on this subject.
That is, if life requires a certain sequence, it can be said
that this has a probability likely to be realised once in
the whole universe. Otherwise some metaphysical
powers beyond our definition must have acted in its
formation. 5
Yet evolutionists cover up this point and make a
senseless presupposition such as "whatever the argu-
ment, there surely was a gene at the beginning." As is
quite evident, the scenario collapses right at the first
Sentence 2: "But this gene "rapidly created copies
of itself (!)" and developed these copies so that they
formed a different molecule of immunoglobulin."
Though impossible, let us suppose that there was a