Page 53 - The Miracle in the Immune System
P. 53

Intelligent Weapons: The Antibodies  51

          mechanisms that approximately two million differently
          structured products are fabricated from thousands of
          combinations of units of information. Yet, as mentioned
          before, neither the cell, nor any system within the cell
          has the ability to "learn" and "develop". Moreover, the
          cell makes these information combinations by selecting
          only the right ones out of infinite possibilities.
          Therefore, this requires a much more conscious and
          reasonable selecting mechanism.
            Those who make such a claim may well advance the
          following theories for any given product that is manu-
          factured by technology or the human mind:
            "Stone tablets created themselves and later devel-
          oped into computers on their own". Or,
            "Kites that have created themselves later developed
          into jet planes."
            The above sentences would sound absolutely ab-
          surd to any national person. However, even these sen-
          tences are much more logical than saying that the
          elements of the defence system, the working principles
          of which have not even been discovered, emerged by
            What is more, the presence of antibodies alone is
          not sufficient to protect the human body. For the de-
          fence system to operate, and for the human being to
          survive, macrophages, helper T cells, killer T cells, sup-
          pressor T cells, memory cells, B cells and many other
          factors must work in cooperation.
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