Page 59 - The Miracle in the Immune System
P. 59
Organs Employed In Defence 57
the white pulp are first
transferred to the red pulp
and then join in the blood He is Allah — the
stream. A detailed study of Creator, the Maker, the
Giver of Form. To Him
the operations carried out
belong the Most
in this organ, which is dark
Beautiful Names.
red in colour and located Everything in the
high up the abdomen re- heavens and on the
veals an extraordinary pic- earth glorifies Him. He
is the Almighty, the
ture. Its quite difficult and
complicated functions are
(Surat al-Hashr: 24)
what make it so wonderful
and extraordinary.
The duties of the
spleen, such as contributing to cell production, phago-
cytosis, conservation of red blood cells, and immunity
construction, are at least as important as they are diffi-
cult. Certainly, the spleen is a lump of meat just like all
our other organs. Yet it displays a performance and a
degree of intelligence unexpected from a lump of meat.
It organises everything, not allowing any problems to
occur, and works without rest. Indeed, the spleen
works strenuously for the human from the moment of
his birth, and continues its function as long as Allah
Cell Production
The bone marrow of the baby in the mother's
womb is not entirely able to fulfill its function of pro-
ducing blood cells. The bone marrow can perform this
function only after birth. Would the baby be anaemic in
the meantime?