Page 63 - The Miracle in the Immune System
P. 63

Organs Employed In Defence       61

            The system works as follows: The lymph fluid in the
          lymphatic vessels spread throughout the body makes con-
          tact with the tissues located around the capillary lymphat-
          ic vessels. The lymph fluid that returns to the lymphatic
          vessels right after this contact brings along some informa-
          tion about these tissues. These pieces of information are
          transmitted to the nearest lymph node located on the
          lymphatic vessels. If any hostile action has started in the
          tissues, its knowledge is forwarded to the lymph node
          through the lymph fluid.
            In case any danger is sensed following the examination
          of the nature of the enemy, an alarm is given. At this point,
          the rapid production of lymphocytes and some other
          warrior cells starts in the lymph nodes.
            After the production stage, the new soldiers are
          transported to the front where the battle is fought. These
          new soldiers will travel from the lymph nodes to the lym-
          phatic vessels through the lymph fluid. The soldiers, which
          are diffused into the blood stream from the lymphatic ves-
          sels, finally reach the battleground. This is why the lymph
          nodes in the infected region swell first. This shows that
          the lymphocyte production has increased in that region.
            Now, let us summarise the system:
            - A special transportation system that covers the
          length and breadth of body.
            - Lymph node stations dispersed throughout different
          regions of the body.
            - The intelligence operation directed at the enemy
            - Production of soldiers according to the results of
          the intelligence report.
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