Page 83 - The Miracle in the Immune System
P. 83
Cells On Duty In The System 81
the benefit of man and uses this information accurately in
combinations beyond man's comprehension. Man is able
to survive thanks to the wisdom these cells display.
Memory cells are cells specially created to protect
man's health. Allah equipped them with strong memoriz-
ing ability by design. Otherwise, it would be impossible
for the cell to develop a strategy on its own accord and
give itself within this strategy the responsibility for stor-
ing information. Moreover, the cell is even unaware of
such a need; much less does it feel the need to employ
such a strategy.
In addition, there is another important question that
needs to be answered about the strong memories of the
memory cells. In a normal human being, eight million cells
die every second to be replaced by new ones. Therefore,
the metabolism continuously renews itself. Yet the life
span of memory cells is much longer than the life span of
other cells. This characteristic helps them to protect
people from diseases thanks to the information in their
memories. These cells, however, are not everlasting.
Though a long time later, they eventually die. At this
point, we are left with a very surprising situation. Memo-
ry cells transfer the information they possess to the next
generation before they die. People are indebted to these
memory cells for not having to be afflicted all over again
by the same in diseases they caught in infancy (measles,
mumps, etc.).
How then can this cell know that it has to transfer
this information?
This surely cannot be attributed to the cell itself, but
to the ability granted to it by its Creator.