Page 78 - The Miracle in the Immune System
P. 78


           tuberculosis, and serious ailments such as angina and
           rheumatism. Of course, this does not mean that lym-
           phocytes do not have any role to play with other diseas-
           es. Even the common cold is nothing but a combat
           fought by the lymphocytes to keep those very danger-
           ous common cold viruses away from the body.
              The human body can defeat many of its enemies by
           using antibodies. This may lead you to wonder why lym-
           phocytes intervene in the war directly when they
           already make a considerable contribution by producing
           antibodies. However, some microbes are so deadly that
           very strong chemical toxins are needed for their re-
           moval. Therefore, some lymphocytes use these chemi-
           cal toxins and directly participate in the war.
              How then would the defence system stop these en-
              First, chemists and a laboratory would be needed to
           produce the toxin. The structure of the required mate-
           rial is too special to be formed by coincidence. Allah,
           Who knows that the human body will face such an ene-
           my, or rather, Who created such an enemy for man to
           take warning, has also given the lymphocytes to synthe-
           size this toxin.
              So, is this chemical material satisfactory?
              No, because this substance cannot freely circulate in
           the blood, as this would mean the death of our own
           cells as well.
              How then will this toxin be used without causing
           any harm to our cells?
              The answer to this question is hidden in the perfec-
           tion of the creation of the lymphocytes. Toxins are
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