Page 76 - The Miracle in the Immune System
P. 76


           reason, many evolutionist
           scientists have confessed
           that natural selection or
           mutation tales cannot ac-
           count for the mystery in
           such a transformation. Prof.
           Ali Demirsoy stated that a
           complex cell like the lym-
           phocyte, which carries al-
           most all the responsibility
           of the war, could not have
           evolved from a simple cell:
              Complex cells have nev-
              er been generated from
                                   Lymphocytes at war (yellow),
              primitive cells through an  fighting with cancer cells.
              evolutionary process as
              recently suggested.  7
              This fact is actually very well known by the scientists
           of our day. Yet, obviously, when they accept this fact,
           they will equally be obliged to accept the existence of a
           Creator. This is something which most of them are very
           reluctant to do.
              The world renowned biochemist Michael J. Behe
           states that evolutionists disregard some facts for the
           sake of denying the being of Allah:

              Also, and unfortunately, too often criticisms have been
              dismissed by the scientific community for fear of giving
              ammunition to creationists. It is ironic that in the name
              of protecting science, trenchant scientific criticism of
              natural selection has been brushed aside. 8

              Lymphocytes, the products of this mysterious trans-
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