Page 73 - The Miracle in the Immune System
P. 73

Cells On Duty In The System      71

            Is it man?
            Certainly not. This system protects man from cer-
          tain death, although he is not even aware that such a
          perfect system is at work in his own body. Even if man
          were ever ordered to develop an army in his own body
          to fight the enemy and cause his fever to rise, and pro-
          vide this army to work round the clock in his entire
          body, he would simply have no idea what to do.
            Today, mankind is not even able to understand the
          details of the present order in the defence system, de-
          spite all the technology at its disposal — much less imi-
          tate it.
            It is an obvious fact that man was created with all of
          his features in place. Willingly or unwillingly, he submits
          to his Creator and the systems He established. Just as
          everything else does…
            … No, everything in the heavens and earth be-
            longs to Him. Everything is obedient to Him.
            (Surat al-Baqara: 116)

            Information Transfer
            Another incredible function of the macrophages is
          supplying the lymphocytes, i.e., the B and T cells, which
          are the real heroes of the defence system, with infor-
          mation about the enemy. After phagocytosing the anti-
          gen, the antigen-presenting cells go to the lymph nodes
          (lymphatic tissue) through the lymphatic channels.
            This is a very important detail. Only if a cell possess-
          es consciousness and reason can it be capable of supply-
          ing and forwarding the information pertaining to an
          enemy to the relevant centres. For the macrophage cell
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