Page 75 - The Miracle in the Immune System
P. 75
Cells On Duty In The System 73
to know that this information will be processed by the
lymphocytes, it has to be perfectly informed about the
general strategy of the defence system. It is very clear
that the macrophage, just like all the other cells, is the
obedient element of a totally integrated system.
Top Heroes: The Lymphocytes
The lymphocytes are the main cells of the defence
system. The intense war in the body can only be won
with the strenuous efforts of the lymphocytes. The life
stories of these cells are full of incredibly interesting and
wonderful stages, each of which, standing alone, is
enough to demonstrate the decrepit nature of the the-
ory of evolution.
These bold warriors are present in the bone mar-
row, lymph nodes, salivary glands, spleen, tonsils and
joints. The lymphocytes are primarily present and pro-
duced in the bone marrow.
The formation of lymphocyte in the bone marrow is
one of the most mysterious events of biology. Here,
stem cells rapidly pass through a number of biological
stages and take on a completely new structure by turn-
ing into lymphocytes. (A stem cell is an unspecialised
cell that gives rise to a specific specialised cell, such as a
blood cell.) When it is considered that, despite the
great developments in genetic engineering, the transfor-
mation of even the plainest microbe species into other
similar species is considered impossible, the mystery of
this event, which takes place in the bone marrow, be-
comes even greater. This mystery, unsolved by science
to date, is a very simple process for our body. For this