Page 72 - The Miracle in the Immune System
P. 72
The patient with a high fever naturally feels the need
to rest. Thus, the energy needed by the defence army is
not spent elsewhere. The pyrogen produced by the ma-
crophages is perfectly designed to trigger the fever-rais-
ing mechanism of the brain. Therefore, the macrophage,
and the pyrogen, and the temperature-raising centre of
the brain, and the brain have all to be created at the
same time.
As is evident, there is a perfect plan at work. Every
requirement is created flawlessly for this plan to suc-
ceed; the macrophages, the pyrogen substance and oth-
er similar substances, the fever-raising centre of the
brain and the fever-raising mechanisms of the body…
In the absence of even one of these, the system
would simply not work. Therefore, it can by no means
be claimed that such a system could have originated
step by step through evolution.
Who, then, has made this plan?
Who knows that the body's fever must rise, and
that only that way the energy needed by the defence ar-
my will not be spent elsewhere?
Is it the macrophages?
Macrophages are merely tiny cells invisible to the
naked eye. They do not have the capacity to think. They
are living organisms that only obey an established supe-
rior order; they merely carry out their duties.
Is it the brain?
Definitely no. Nor does the brain possess any pow-
er to create or produce something. Just as in all other
systems, in this system, too, it is in a position not to give
orders, but to obey orders and submit to them.