Page 904 - Yaratılış Atlası 1. Cilt
P. 904 172 Keith S. Thompson, "Ontogeny and Phylo-
155 S. R. Scadding, "Do 'Vestigial Organs' Provi- geny Recapitulated", American Scientist, Cilt 76,
de Evidence for Evolution?", Evolutionary The- May›s / Haziran1988, s. 273
ory, Cilt 5, May›s 1981, s. 173 173 Francis Hitching, The Neck of the Giraffe: Whe-
156 The Merck Manual of Medical Information, re Darwin Went Wrong, New York: Ticknor and
Home edition, New Jersey: Merck & Co., Inc. Fields 1982, s. 204
The Merck Publishing Group, Rahway, 1997 174 Richard Lewontin, "The Demon-Haunted
157 H. Enoch, Creation and Evolution, New York: World", The New York Review of Books, 9 Ocak,
1966, s. 18-19 1997, s. 28
158 Frank Salisbury, "Doubts About the Modern 175 Robert Shapiro, Origins: A Sceptic's Guide to
Synthetic Theory of Evolution", American Bi- the Creation of Life on Earth, Summit Books, New
ology Teacher, Eylül 1971, s. 338 York: 1986, s. 207
159 Dean Kenyon & Percival Davis, Of Pandas 176 Hubert Yockey, "Self-Organization, Origin of
and People: The Central Question of Biological Ori- Life Scenarios and Information Theory", Journal
gins (Dallas: Haughton Publishing, 1993), p. 33 of Theoretical Biology, Cilt 91, 1981, s. 27-28
160 Michael Denton, Evolution: A Theory in Crisis, 177 Hoimar Von Ditfudrth, Dinozorlar›n Sessiz Gece-
London, Burnett Books, 1985, s. 145 si, Cilt 2, Çev. Veysel Atayman, 2.b. ‹stanbul:
161 Fix, William, The Bone Peddlers: Selling Evolu- Alan Yay›nc›l›k, Mart 1995, s. 64
tion (New York: Macmillan Publishing Co., 178 Ali Demirsoy, Kal›t›m ve Evrim, Ankara: Me-
1984), s. 189 teksan Yay›nlar›, 1984, s. 61
162 W. R. Bird, The Origin of Species Revisited, 179 Ali Demirsoy, Kal›t›m ve Evrim, s. 61
Thomas Nelson Co., Nashville: 1991, ss. 98-99; 180 Ali Demirsoy, Kal›t›m ve Evrim, s. 94
Percival Davis, Dean Kenyon, Of Pandas and Pe- 181 Douglas Dewar, ‹nsan: Özel Yarat›k, s. 103-
ople, Haughton Publishing Co., 1990, s. 35-38 104
163 W. R. Bird, The Origin of Species Revisited, s. 182 Bilim ve Teknik , Temmuz 1989, Cilt 22, sa-
98-99, 199-202 y›.260, s.59
164 Michael Denton, Evolution: A Theory in Crisis, 183 Grzimeks Tierleben Vögel 3, Deutscher Taschen
London: Burnett Books, 1985, s. 290-91 Buch Verlag, Oktober 1993, s. 92
165 Hervé Philippe and Patrick Forterre, "The 184 David Attenborough, Life On Earth: A Natu-
Rooting of the Universal Tree of Life is Not Re- ral History, Collins British Broadcasting Corpo-
liable", Journal of Molecular Evolution, vol 49, ration, June 1979, s.236
1999, p. 510 185 David Attenborough, Life On Earth: A Natu-
166 James Lake, Ravi Jain ve Maria Rivera, "Mix ral History, Collins British Broadcasting Corpo-
and Match in the Tree of Life", Science, vol. 283, ration, June 1979, s.240
1999, p. 2027 186 Görsel Bilim ve Teknik Ansiklopedisi, s.185-186
167 Carl Woese, "The Universel Ancestor", Proce- 187 Walter Metzner,
edings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA, ~bio/faculty/Metzner.html
95, (1998) p. 6854 188 Bilim ve Teknik, Ocak 1990, s. 10-12
168 Elizabeth Pennisi, "MICROBES, IMMUNITY, 189 David Attenborough, Life of Birds, Princeton
AND DISEASE: Is It Time to Uproot the Tree of Universitye Press, Princeton-New Jersey, 1998,
Life?" Science, Volume 284, Number 5418, Issue s.47
of 21 May 1999, pp. 1305-1307 190 National Geographic, September 1995, s. 98
169 Jonathan Wells, Icons of Evolution, Regnery 191 James L.Gould, Carol Grant Gould, Ola¤an-
Publishing, 2000, p. 51 d›fl› Yaflamlar, Tübitak Popüler Bilim Kitaplar›,
170 Jonathan Wells, Icons of Evolution, Regnery Ankara 1997, s.130-136
Publishing, 2000, p. 51 192 David Attenborough, The Private Life of
171 G. G. Simpson, W. Beck, An Introduction to Plants, Princeton Universitye Press, Princeton-
Biology, New York, Harcourt Brace and World, New Jersey, 1995, s.81-83
1965, s. 241 193 Encyclopedia of Reptiles and Amphibians,
902 Yarat›l›fl Atlas›