Page 13 - Islam Denounces Terrorism
P. 13
When this book was first written in 2002, it explained with evi-
dence that terrorists, and most importantly their leaders, are selfish,
cruel and merciless people who, as a result of Darwinist and material-
ist education they received, see life as a constant struggle where only
the fittest survive. Such people came to believe that violence and wars
were justified means to their ends. Al Qaeda was very active at that
time. Since then, many other new terrorist organisations have emerged
and they have used similar Islamic symbolism in their own ways in
their attacks against civilians.
If one is looking for
the cause of an act of
terrorism, one must
look for its source in
antireligious ideolo-
gies. Religion enjoins
love, compassion, for-
giveness, peace and
living according to
high moral standards.
Terrorism, on the
other hand, is on the
side of cruelty and
violence, causing
pain, bloodshed and
committing murder.