Page 14 - Islam Denounces Terrorism
P. 14

12             Islam Denounces Terrorism

                 These groups are getting stronger with new recruits joining them
            from all around the world. This forces political, academic, and reli-
            gious leaders to try to understand real Islam and determine ways to
            end terrorism with solutions from within the Islamic world. The
            Charlie Hebdo attack in France, the Christmas market attack in Ger-
            many, and almost daily acts of terrorism in countries such as Iraq,
            Pakistan and Afghanistan have shown that the Islamic world needs to

            focus on this issue with caution and urgency. And a brief examination
            will reveal that at the root of the problem lies the fact that the groups
            supposedly acting on behalf of Islam do not base their action on the
            Qur'an and the life of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), but a bigoted
            and paganistic religion, which emerged after the death of the Prophet
            Muhammad (pbuh) and is essentially a far cry from Islam.

                 This deeply flawed understanding is diametrically opposed to
            Islam, which is a religion that favours peace over war, life over death,
            forgiveness over punishment, and reconciliation over conflict. The
            fact that their ID cards indicate "Islam" as their religion or that they

            have Muslim names does not prove that these individuals act in the
            name of Islam. This radical mentality which allegedly legitimizes vio-
            lence against non-Muslims, and even against Muslims if they have
            different views or if they don't practice Islam or if they follow a dif-
            ferent sect, is a grave spiritual problem of the world today.

                 In this expanded edition of the book, we have included the
            sources of terrorism that result from this bigoted view of religion and
            how it needs to be countered intellectually. We hope that it will help
            those who seek solutions by force come to realize that twisted philo-
            sophical and religious interpretations cannot be ended with mere mil-
            itary means. What needs to be done is not to eliminate the people

            with this mentality, but to wipe these distorted ideas from their
            minds. And hopefully the money currently being squandered on
            weapons will be spent on education instead and they will join forces
            with illuminated, modern, loving and sensible Muslims.
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