Page 37 - The Day of Judgment
P. 37
Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar) 35
As a result of this, all aquatic life, as well as all terrestrial life, on
Earth will cease. The oceans, usually soothing and cooling,
suddenly will spread an incredible heat. Instead of huge waves,
there will be waves of fire, and oxygen will be replaced by smoke.
The scene of oceans burning ferociously, boiling over and spewing
forth their contents, will dominate a great part of the world and
bring vast devastation.
The Oceans Will Spill Their Contents
In addition to all of the above, the oceans will also rise, as
mentioned in the following verse:
When the oceans flood and overflow. (Surat al-Infitar, 3)
By Allah's will, calamities also will come from the oceans. As
Allah is the All-Mighty and the Creator of Earth and all of its
contents, all He has to do is utter the command "Be!," and whatever
He wills occurs. The probable circumstances (only Allah knows the
exact ones) leading up to these events serve to remind us of, and to
be awed by, Allah as we draw closer to Him.
Some of the probable events have to do with the rising of the
oceans. As we know, earthquakes on the ocean floor cause tidal
waves on the surface. The resulting tremors can send waves racing
toward the shore at speeds of up to 750 kms (466 miles) per hour.
Waves that start out as less than a meter (3 feet) high in the open sea
can be 60 meters (200 feet) high by the time they reach the shore. A
25-35 meters (80 to 100 feet) high tidal wave created by a strong
earthquake in Japan in 1896 swept over the town of Honshu, killing
25,000 people.
Volcanic eruptions are another cause of tidal waves. The tidal
wave created by the eruption of the volcano on Krakatoa in 1883
caused Krakatoa Island, located between Java and Sumatra, to