Page 42 - The Day of Judgment
P. 42

40                      THE DAY OF JUDGMENT

             design could issue from a lifeless nature, when nature itself did not
             even exist, are ignored. According this irrational claim, nature
             created everything. In other words, the awesome wonder of
             harmony and balance is inherent in the soil, stones, air, and water.
             But on the Day of Judgment, people will see what happens to the
             mountains, rocks, and soil, and finally will realize that nature in
             itself has no power, for although thought to be the source from
             which everything living or nonliving issued, it will be unable to

             save itself. Allah will demonstrate that everything exists only by His
             Will and Power and depends upon His protection and sustenance.
             Many will remember at that very moment, and thus feel great
             regret, the truths that they ignored even though their own
             consciences acknowledged them. Allah reveals the events of the
             Day of Judgment, as follows:
               When the sky bursts open, hearkening to its Lord as it is bound
               to do! When Earth is flattened out and disgorges what is inside
               it and empties out, hearkening to its Lord as it is bound to do!
               O Man! You are toiling laboriously toward your Lord, but meet
               Him you will! (Surat al-Inshiqaq, 1-6)


               Contrary to space's cold darkness, Earth has an atmosphere that
             accommodates the Sun's light and an average temperature that
             supports life. In other words, the atmosphere, our planet's

             protective ceiling, has light and heat diffusing properties that allow
             the rays of sunlight to reach, heat, and light our world. Like
             everything else that exists, on the Day of Judgment the heavens will
             split apart and lose their functions, melt, and flow. In the Qur'an, the
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