Page 43 - The Day of Judgment
P. 43
Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar) 41
phrase "When the Sun is compacted in blackness" (Surat at-
Takwir, 1) refers to this Day. From this expression, we understand
that the Sun's light will no longer benefit the world.
On the Day of Judgment, the Sun and the Moon, Earth's two
sources of light, will be darkened one after the other. The
disappearance of the atmosphere is not the only reason why there
will be no light on Earth on that Day; rather, the Qur'an reveals that
not only will the heavens, Earth and everything in between be
destroyed, but that it is the final day for the entire universe. As the
first few verses of Surat at-Taghabun say, Allah is the One Who
creates everything complete and perfect, and He has the power to
bring about anything He wills when He wills. He created the
universe, which contains billions of stars in each of the billions of
galaxies, and He will destroy it again just by uttering the command
"Be!" when He wills.
It is quite impossible for the human mind to truly grasp the
vastness of the universe. However, we can try to estimate its scale.
The Sun is one of the predicted 200-250 billion stars in our Milky
Way galaxy. Considered one of the smaller stars, even though it is
333,000 times as massive as our own Earth, it is located 28,000 light
years away from the center of the Milky Way, which itself is 100,000
light years across (one light year is equal to 9,460,800,000,000 kms or
5,879,000,000,000 miles.) Earth rotates around its axis at a speed of
1,670 kms (1,040 miles) per hour, and weighs 6,000 quintillions of
metric tons (6 x 10 ). The Sun moves around the center of the galaxy
at a speed of 792,000 kms (492,000 miles) per hour, and the Milky
Way spins through space at around 2.1 million kms (1.3 million
miles) per hour. But on the Day of Judgment, this awesome universe
will be destroyed, and stars of indescribable proportions will be