Page 45 - The Day of Judgment
P. 45
Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar) 43
indeed! There will be no safe place. That Day, the only resting
place will be your Lord. That Day man will be told what he did
and failed to do. (Surat al-Qiyama, 8-13)
All of the events related so far begin with hearing a previously
unrecognized sound at an unexpected time. All people who had
thought until that moment that everything would remain
unchanged and undamaged will be proven wrong.
Everything that takes place just before the trumpet sounds is no
different from the day before. Earth is revolving at the same pace,
the Sun is illuminating our planet, life goes on, and many people
continue to live according to their habitual routines without
wondering why and by whom they were created and what end they
will meet. People will be thinking about the meal to be served that
night, focusing on an upcoming business meeting, shopping, or
sleeping, and many will be denying Allah's existence when they
hear this sound. Everything will begin and end in one instant.
Their bodies, which people think of as strong and brag about,
will be unexpectedly gripped by death from all sides. Their only
concern will be for survival. Out of sheer terror, people will cease to
care about the things that they so valued, craved, and took risks for
while alive.
All of this fear, terror, and shock results from many people living
in ignorance. The Day's unbearable hardship will never cease to
pursue the unbelievers. Each unfolding event will increase their
panic and terror, and each passing moment will bring fresh
suffering and peril. The awesome events they encounter will