Page 16 - The Arrogance of Satan
P. 16

                                  THE ARROGANCE OF SATAN

              superior. They are all blessings in return for which a man
              must feel grateful to Allah. However, in case a person fails to
              consider that it is Allah Who grants these blessings, and of
              the reasons why He grants them, a person grows increasingly
              arrogant, and starts to believe that he possesses these
              qualities because he deserves them.
                  While counselling the believers, the Prophet Muhammad
              (saas) drew attention to this point, reminding them of the

              possibility that the most important assets man thinks he has
              may disappear one day, and that he has to make use of them
              in a way that pleases Allah while he has them:
                 Take advantage of five before five; your youth before your old age,
                 your health before your sickness, your wealth before your poverty,
                 your free-time before your preoccupation and your life before your
                 death. (Al-Haakim, al-Bayhaqee, Saheeh)
                  In the following pages, we will expand on the nature of
              these qualities that cause conceit, and the real truth about the
              life of this world, to which man is so passionately attached.

                  Power and Wealth

                  An investigation of history reveals that the possession of
              power and wealth is a common characteristic of arrogant and
              haughty people. Due to the power they held, these people
              rejected faith and subjected those around them to oppression.
                  However, these people, who grew arrogant on account of
              their wealth and power, failed to grasp a very important
              truth: everyone, whether rich or poor, will one day surely
              meet death and be placed under the earth. In death, money
              and possessions no longer have any significance. The eternal
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