Page 17 - The Arrogance of Satan
P. 17
Causes Of Arrogance
life of the hereafter will be the only truth awaiting him. The
money and wealth he accumulated in the life of this world
will be of no benefit to him, unless he spent it for the cause of
Allah. A person who boasts of his wealth, and holds an
excessively high opinion of himself, in actuality, forgets the
fact that he is vulnerable even to a miniscule virus invisible
to the naked eye. Even a world of wealth proves insufficient
to improve his safety against the danger of a tiny microbe.
Moreover, all the riches of the world, even if it were doubled,
cannot make him immune to death.
Although he may assume that he will continue to be held
in high esteem with the goods and money he leaves behind
in this world, he will be greatly disappointed on the Day of
Judgment. That is because, no matter how rich he may be,
there will remain only a few people who will still remember
him only 3 to 5 years after his death. Even if he, exceptionally,
were to live on in the memories of a greater number of
people, it would not help him in the least. Indeed, while he is
suffering from torment for his arrogance towards Allah, how
people will remember him will lose all its importance.
Such people develop their character based on arrogance.
However, the kind of character derived from the power of
wealth is not "character" in its true sense of the word; losing
his wealth, or meeting someone wealthier than he, causes his
self-confidence and so-called character to disappear. That is,
if the self-confidence and character of a person are dependent
upon such factors, then that person is doomed to a lack of
confidence and frustration when he loses them.
However, a person who believes in Allah, the Creator of