Page 42 - The Arrogance of Satan
P. 42
of the water.) It is easy to avoid people who are arrogant, in
common sense of the word, since they are easily recognised.
But, it is otherwise with those who conceal their arrogance.
Their arrogance becomes obvious only in time, making it
more difficult to admonish to them or to explain to them the
situation they are in.
In general, this state of mind makes itself known after one
has assumed a position of authority or responsibility; that is,
by these circumstances, their hidden disease is accentuated.
They attribute this responsibility to their superior features;
and, it is quite difficult to persuade them otherwise. And,
should they succeed at their task, they become excessively
proud about it.
There are many other situations that cause this hidden
arrogance to surface. For instance, upon losing his position of
prestige, a person who appears modest outwardly may
adopt an attitude otherwise unexpected of him; he may
become introverted, diffident, and surly. This behaviour is
telling marks of arrogance. A modest person' s temperament
never changes, no matter what happens to him. Such a
person knows that there is good in whatever happens, and
strives to earn the good pleasure of Allah no matter what the
circumstances. As for an attitude to the contrary, however, it
becomes obvious that the person in question attaches undue
importance to prestige and status, thereby revealing his
Amodest person, on the other hand, is one purified of all
such manners. He is self-satisfied and at ease. Yet, it also
deserves mention that over-exaggerated modesty is also an
important form of arrogance. Because, where modesty is