Page 45 - The Arrogance of Satan
P. 45


                          IN THE QUR' AN

                      The Leader of the Arrogant: Satan
                      atan' s arrogance, on account of which he was
                      dismissed from Allah' s mercy and grace, is related in
              S the Qur' an as a lesson to mankind. As we said in the
              introduction to this book, Allah created Adam (as) and
              commanded the angels to prostrate themselves to him. They
              obeyed Allah' s command, with the exception of Iblis, one of
              the jinn. He claimed to be a creature superior to man, and
              haughtily disobeyed Allah. For this reason, he was dismissed
              from the sight of Allah.
                  The reason of Iblis' defiance toward Allah is related in the
              Qur' an as follows:

                  He (Allah) said, "What prevented you from prostrating
                  when I commanded you to?" He (Iblis) replied, "I am
                  better than him. You created me from fire and You
                  created him from clay." (Surat al-A' raf: 12)
                  Claiming to be a superior being, Iblis refused to prostrate to
              a human being. However, the grounds for this claim are
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