Page 49 - The Arrogance of Satan
P. 49

                              Examples Of Arrogance In The Qur' an

                  In the aftermath of this pledge, Iblis initiated his struggle
              against man. Within the time granted to him, he would
              employ any means to prevent mankind from Allah' s way,
              and to make them follow him. As a matter of fact, the Qur' an
              informs us that many follow Satan, and thus, are reduced to

              the lowest of the low. Since that time, Iblis has misled many
              and made them side with him. Aside from man, he has also
              had many followers among the jinn.
                  These jinn and people who follow Iblis maintain the same
              attribute as "Satan." ("Satan," derived from the Arabic word
              "shatana" which means "removed," is the attribute of every
              evildoer who is arrogant towards Allah, and therefore, is
              removed from His mercy and grace.) These jinns and men
              follow in the footsteps of Iblis, and make it their main goal to
              lead people astray, just as how they themselves have been
              misled by their own arrogance. The cause of these jinn and
              men are related in the Qur' an as follows:
                  In this way We have appointed as enemies to every
                  Prophet satans from both mankind and from the jinn,
                  who inspire each other with delusions by means of
                  specious words-if your Lord had willed, they would not
                  have done it, so abandon them and all they fabricate-so

                  that the hearts of those who do not believe in the
                  hereafter incline towards them and are pleased with
                  them and perpetrate whatever they perpetrate. (Surat al-
                  An' am: 112-113)
                  The arrogance of Satan is the major sign of those who are
              misled by him and who exhibit similarity to him. Arrogance
              is like the seal or signature of Satan, with which he stamps
              whoever adheres to him. As we have discussed, this disease
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