Page 84 - The Arrogance of Satan
P. 84
s said earlier, rebellious and malevolent chiefs of
disbelievers were found in every society and
A throughout history. Having grown arrogant, these
people rejected Allah' s messengers, who had been sent to
summon them to the right path. Nevertheless, before the
torment they would eventually suffer in Hell, they
encountered severe affliction also in this world.
In this section of the book we will examine such nations
as referred to in the Qur' an, and see how they responded to
their respective messengers.
People of Nuh (as)
The chiefs of the people of Nuh (as) were excessively
proud, as was the case with many other nations in history.
When Nuh (as) summoned them to the religion of Allah, very
few followed him. Still, Nuh (as) never despaired of saving
them from the torment of the afterlife. But, despite all his
efforts, his people responded to him in the following manner:
The chiefs of those of his people who were disbelievers