Page 79 - The Arrogance of Satan
P. 79

                                   The Chiefs of the Nations

                  They Do Not Obey Messengers

                  The messengers Allah sends to the nations of the world
              are endowed with moral excellence, intelligence, and insight.
              They are chosen by Allah and are specially endowed with
              wisdom. One verse reads: "He gives wisdom to whoever He
              wills and he who has been given wisdom has been given
              great good. But no one pays heed but people of
              intelligence" (Surat al-Baqara: 269)
                  Since these men are superior in faith, knowledge and
              wisdom, believers hold them in high esteem. Corrupt chiefs
              of the nations, on the other hand, arrogantly oppose the
              messengers, though they are the most trustworthy and
              noteworthy of people. Moreover, they insult them, cast
              aspersions against their honesty and other praiseworthy
              qualities, and even lay traps against them and plot to
              assassinate them. This they perform under the influence of
              the wicked arrogance festering in their hearts. This pride
              they harbour hinders them from being submissive to Allah' s
              messengers and causes them to deny the truth:

                  Has news not reached you of those who came before
                  you, the peoples of Nuh and ' Ad and Thamud, and
                  those who came after them who are known to no one
                  but Allah? Their Messengers came to them with Clear
                  Signs, but they put their hands to their mouths, saying,
                  "We reject what you have been sent with. We have grave
                  doubts about what you are calling us to." (Surah
                  Ibrahim: 9)
                  The Qur' an also reveals how these arrogant and
              belligerent chiefs of the nations respond to prophets and how
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