Page 76 - The Arrogance of Satan
P. 76
embracing of the faith means to them losing the grounds
upon which they exercise their authority. Before all else, faith
renders the worldly criteria maintained to presume
superiority and false value judgments ineffective.
Furthermore, in this manner the society can come to know
the weaknesses of those to whom they had attached so much
importance. Ultimately, no one will be left to exalt them, nor
to submit to them.
It is against the interests of the chiefs of the nation to
lose the loyalty of their subordinates, those people they
tend despise and consider as their inferiors. They want
people to follow them, no matter what the consequences
may be. Hence, they employ any method, threats, if
necessary, to divert them from the morality and the way of
living enjoined by the Qur' an. Some of the examples
relating to such efforts of the chiefs of the nation are
provided by the Qur' an:
The chiefs of his people who were disbelievers said, "If
you follow Shu' ayb, you will definitely be lost." (Surat
al-A' raf: 90)
Pharaoh said "Have you believed in him before I
authorised you to do so? This is just some plot you have
concocted in the city to drive its people from it. But you
are going to know." (Surat al-A' raf: 123)
In Spite of Their Knowing the Truth,
They Deny It
What underlies the denial of the chiefs of the nations is
their obstinate arrogance, as in the case of Pharaoh, and